

杨晓宏  郭治虎


(西北师范大学 教育技术与传播学院,甘肃兰州 730070)










* 基金项目:全国教育科学“十五”规划2005年度国家重点课题“西部地区农村中小学现代远程教育可持续发展中的成本效益问题研究”(ACA050002)系列研究成果之一。



Analysis the Current Situation of the Construction and the 

Application of Modern Distance Education Project of Middle 

and Primary Schools in Western Rural Area


YANG Xiaohong &  GUO Zhihu


(College of Educational Technology and Communication, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070, China)


Abstract: This article adopt synthetically the questionnaire investigation and other methods, have analyzed the main achievement of construction and application in modern distance education project of middle and primary schools of countryside in western aril, pointed out the current problem in construction and application, also, have put forward the main measure to accelerate sustainable development of modern distance education project of middle and primary schools of countryside of western aril. 

Key words: western Aril;modern distance education of middle and primary schools of countryside;sustainable development

