

袁松鹤  穆  肃  丁  新


(华南师范大学, 广东广州 510631 )











The Analysis of Media based Instructional Model of 

Online Colleges of Universities in China


YUAN Songhe,MU Su &  DING Xin


(South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)


Abstract: From the angle of learning and tutorship, this paper analyzes the mediabased teaching manners used by the Online Colleges by using Content Analysis method,elicits the five basic manners of mediabased teaching, and based on these, with further statistics and analysis, this paper concludes 3 kinds of Mediabased Instructional Models adopted by the Online Colleges. Secondly, this paper analyzes the mediabased instructional instrument by using Content Analysis method, and elicits the conclusion and analyzes the trends of mediabased teaching.

Key Wordsonline college; mediabased instructional model; learning; tutorship

