













Research on Logistics Management Methods in

Distance Education Institutions


WANG Lianhua


(Shanghai Distance Education Group, Shanghai 200086, China)


Abstract: At present, the world has entered a new era of knowledge economy, higher education, as the important knowledge system to promote and realize the rapid development of knowledge economy, has important historical responsibilities and social obligations. Distance education institutions as an important part of lifelong education is playing an increasingly important role. Logistical management system in distance education institutions is an integral part of the overall framework of services to promote the deepen reform and development of the institution. Therefore, it is worthwhile to research into scientific logistics management methods in distance education institutions. This paper analyzed the major problems on the current logistics management in distance education institutions, and explored the reasons for its formation from the angles of theory and practice and put forward the best application mode of logistics management and the thoughts and countermeasures of the concrete application.

Key wordslogistics management in distance institutions; management methods

