



(华北电力大学 人文学院,河北保定 071003)










Impacting Factors and Strategies: Efficiency TeachStudy 

Procession Analysis Based on Game Theory


MENG Xianglin


(School of Humanity and Social Sciences, NCEPU,Baoding 071003,China)


Abstract: Teaching & Learning (T & L) is a process in which students are the main body under teacher guiding, the T&L efficiency is much different because of subject characteristics being different and students' different attitude to different subject. Bad result shaping is from many factors not only teacher but also student. In fact, T&L process is a game, investmentproduct comparison can be done by the teachers on the ground of student feedback, students' bad feedback can lead teacher's inv estment reducing, at the same time, students also shape their own behavior as teacherbehavior's counterpart, however, student should take much of the responsibility. Anyway, teacher is the guider during the T&L procession, teacher should take the burden to change this situation.

Key words: impacting factors; strategies; game theory; teaching process

