叶丽新 刘名卓
(华东师范大学 网络教育学院,上海 200012)
【摘要】 网络课程建设过程中的教学设计,涉及了内容层面的设计和形式层面的设计。相比较而言,内容层面的设计是基础,但当前其具体的设计切入点尚不清晰。为此,本文聚焦于网络课程教学设计中的“内容设计”,提出了一个思考框架:课程目标与课程内容关系的把握、网络课程内容要素的分类和选择、知识性内容的展开逻辑、特定内容的情境定位。
On the Contents Design of Online Courses
YE Lixin, & LIU Mingzhuo
(Distance Education College,East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract: The instructional design of online courses includes contents design and form design. This paper outlines a framework composed of four important steps to design contents of online courses: defining the learning objective of the specific online course, clarifying and selecting elements of contents to be showed, designing threads to unfold contents, and designing different study contexts for different contents.
Key words:online course; instructional design; contents design