


李枭鹰  陈武元


(厦门大学 教育研究院,福建厦门 361005)



【关键词】一流大学; 本质特征; 发展动力








Impetus and Essential Nature of Top Universities in the World 


LI Xiaoying & CHEN Wuyuan


(The Institute of Education , Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005,China)


Abstract: As the product of social development,universities are also its “gas station”. Historically,when there are some top universities springing up in a country,this country will become world power. The connotation of top universities in the world is fairly colorful and of diverse form. It is not only a concept of dynamic and relativity,but also similarity and comprehensiveness. Compared with normal university,the top universities in the world have their unique symbol. Its essential nature is the organic integration of strength,contribution and fine global fame. As the “gas station” of social development,the top universities in the world are a multidynamic system while its evolution and formation is the resultant force of multipower from both inner and outer system.

Key words:top universities in the world ;essential nature;impetus

