



(中央广播电视大学,北京 100031)







E-learning Hub and Nationwide Public Support Services System 

in Distance Education for Building A Learning Society


REN Weimin


(Central Radio & TV Univevsity,Beijing 100031,China)


Abstract: The paper intended to introduce the features of a learning society, the requirements of transforming in education and study, and the necessity to promote modern distance education in the context of building a lifelong education system and learning society. At the same time, the program named E-learning Hub,which is launched by MOE (Ministry of Education) and aimed to take advantage of Information technology, to promote the distance education, to integrate and share the high quality resources, to build digital learning support services,to explore and carry out web-based further education, to serve for a lifelong education system and learning society consequently,is presented in the paper. In the end, combining with project called Modern Distance Education OffCampus Teaching Support Service System of the Central Radio and TV University, the significances in building social public support services system, requirements of transforming, as well as some problems in impelling the public support services system are introduced.

Key wordslearning society; e-learning hub; nationwide public support services system; lifelong education system

