
 本刊特约记者  冯晓英  张伟远


    本文所访谈的保罗·川内博士一直致力于远程教育理论与实践结合的研究,2003年他基于穆尔的交互距离理论和米切尔的教学会话理论提出了交互距离模型(Kawachi, 2003)。保罗·川内是国际开放与远程教育领域的知名专家和学者,多年来一直在日本担任多媒体教育的教授,目前在日本久留米信爱女子学院任教。保罗·川内博士是英国英语教师协会和亚洲开放远程教育学会的会员,现任《亚洲远程教育杂志》的主编,同时担任本刊及多个国际远程教育杂志的编审,为促进亚洲远程教育领域的交流与合作做了大量工作。川内博士是阿历斯戴尔·摩根(Alistair Morgan)的学生,其哲学思想深受摩根的影响。他曾获得多项国际奖项,包括第14届亚洲开放大学协会(AAOU)年会的论文金奖。2007年10月,保罗·川内首次来中国访问并接受本刊的专访,在本次访谈中,保罗·川内博士将与中国读者分享关于远程教与学的独到见解。

   【关键词】交互;交互距离; 教学会话

   【中图分类号】G728   【文献标识码】D  【文章编号】1007-2179(2008)01-0004-05


Bridge the Gap between Theory and Practice for
 Distance Education—— Interview with Dr. Paul Kawachi

Journalist  FENG Xiaoying &  ZHANG Weiyuan

Editorial: Dr. Kawachi has been dedicated in research of theory into practice for distance education. In 2003, he produced a Transactional Distance Model based on Moore’s Transactional Distance     Theory and Mitchell’s Conversation Theory(Kawachi, 2003). As an instructional design and multimedia education professor, Dr. Kawachi is wellknown in international open and distance education, now teaching at Kurume Shinai Girls’ School in Japan. As a member of Asian Associate of Open and Distance Education and the editor in chief of Asian Journal of Distance Education, Dr. Kawachi has devoted a lot to promote the interchange and cooperation in Asian distance education. Dr. Kawachi’s philosophy of education has been much affected by Alistair Morgan, his first tutor in OUUK. He has won several awards including the Gold Medal from the 14th AAOU annual conference. In Oct. 2007, Dr. Kawachi visited China for the first time and accepted our interview. He shared his invaluable insights in both learning and teaching here in this interview.

Key words:interaction; transactional distance; instructional conversation
