From Consumers to Consultants:

Instructional Designers’ “New” Roles in Online Teaching


Bailin Fang


The North Institute,Oklahoma Christian University, USA


Abstract: This paper discusses how the professional practice in educational technology has transformed the role of instructional designers, as they assist faculty members in the higher education setting.   The dynamic nature of the technology landscape has complicated their work that caused great difficulty for them to apply the systems design models that they have been taught to use.  Instructional designers are now playing more diverse and subtle roles to help institutions effectively adopt educational technologies.  In assuming these new roles, they should look beyond their comfort zone as designers working with subject matter experts, or first adopters of technologies to actually become human performance consultants to orchestrate various forces in the institution. 

Key words:human performance technology; instructional design; educational technology; professional development

CLC numbers】G434

Document code】A

Article ID】1007-2179(2008)02-0067-07







(俄克拉何马基督教会大学 诺思教学研究所,美国)
