

刘  燕


(苏州广播电视大学,江苏苏州 215004)



【关键词】开放教育模式; 英语学习策略; 调查研究对策

【中图分类号】G724.4  【文献标识码】A



A Study on Adult English Learning Strategies for Open Education


LIU Yan 


(Suzhou Radio & TV University,Suzhou 215004,China)


Abstract: This study attempts to look at Chinese adult English learners for open education in terms of their strategies in learning English. The data are collected via questionnaires, observations, and interviews among fifty adult learners. The ultimate purpose of the study is, therefore, on the one hand to raise the consciousness of Chinese adult English learners of their strategies in learning English;on the other hand, to help their teachers to cope with their adult learners in creating a supportive environment for optimal conditions of learning to occur.

Key words: open education model;English learning strategies; study countermeasure


