

荀  莉1  何恩基2


(1.教育部 职业技术教育中心研究所,北京 100032;2.北京师范大学 教育信息与网络技术研究院,北京 100875)



【关键词】网络教育; 职业教育; 发展策略

【中图分类号】G714  【文献标识码】A



The Current Situation and Development Strategies of 

Web-based TVET in China


XUN Li & HE Enji 


(Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100032, China;

Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)


Abstract: We have had some foundation on substance and information resource in web-based TVET (Technology and Vocational Education or Training)in China, but the technology and the human being resource are still weakness. In order to develop the TVET of China,we suggest on integrating resource by constructing resource and developing resource by studying resource .

Key Words: web-based education; TVET; development strategies

