陶炳增1 孙爱萍2
(1.浙江大学 教育学院,杭州 310028;2.浙江广播电视大学,浙江杭州 310012)
【关键词】生成学习; 生成过程; 动机; 学习过程; 创造过程
【中图分类号】G442 【文献标识码】A
【文章编号】1007-2179(2004)06-0061-04 |
Implication of Generative Learning Theory for Instructional Design
TAO Bingzeng & SUN Aiping
(College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028,China;
Zhejiang RTV University,Hangzhou 310012,China)
Abstract: Generative Learning theory has the following assumption: The learner is not a passive recipient of information; rather than he is an active participant in the learning process, working to construct meaningful understanding of information found in the environment. This article defines generative learning,introduces its neural model and points the implications for instruction design.
Key words: Generative learning; process of generation; motivation; learning process; creation process.