



特约记者  王海东   记者  希建华


【专家简介】莎润·梅里安(Sharan BMerriam)博士是美国乔治亚大学成人教育系教授,美国成人教育界著名学者。梅里安1943年5月生于纽约,1978年在罗格斯(Rutgers)大学获得教育学博士学位。她的研究领域和学术成就主要在成人教育的哲学基础、成人的学习与发展、质的研究方法等方面。梅里安著作等身,先后3次获得全美Houle学术奖,曾担任《成人教育季刊》杂志、《成人教育年鉴(1990)》的主编。由于对美国成人教育的杰出贡献,2003年梅里安被入选国际成人与继续教育名人堂。

【关键词】成人教育; 定义; 理论; 远程教育; 学科发展

【中图分类号】G728  【文献标识码】D




The Development and Research of Adult Education as a Subject 

An Interview with Dr. Sharan Merriam, an Expert in Adult Education


WANG Haidong & XI Jianhua


Abstract: Dr Sharan Merriam is professor in adult education of the University of Georgia, a well known scholar in both the United States and worldwide. In September 1, 2004 and at her office, representing of Open Learning Research, I interviewed her about the relevant topics such as the definition of adult education, the development and research of this filed, the relationship between adult education and distance education, and the American experience in developing adult education. DrMerriam answered our questions respectively.

Key Words: adult education, definition, theory, distance education, decelopment of discipline

