熊志刚 徐梅林
(华东师范大学 教育信息技术系,上海 200062)
【关键词】元数据; 语意网; 学习技术; 学习技术系统
【中图分类号】TP311.13 【文献标识码】A
【文章编号】1007-2179(2004)05-0044-03 |
Discussion of Learning Technology Based
on Metadata and Semantic Web
XIONG Zhigang & XU Meilin
(Department of Educational Information and Technology,East China Normal University,Shanghai 20062,China)
Abstract: The article describes the basic concepts of the metadata and semantic web, focusing on introducing the basic model and parts of learning technology based on metadata and semantic web, and also predicts the future of the learning technology based on metadata and semantic web.
Keywords: metadata; semantic web; learning technology; SLT