张庆秀 王跃生 韩清献
(河北师范大学 信息技术学院,河北石家庄 050016)
【关键词】网络课程; 交互性; 学习资源; 学习化社会
【中图分类号】G434 【文献标识码】A
【文章编号】1007-2179(2004)05-0032-03 |
Analysis and Utilization of Interactive Function of Webbased Courses
ZHANG Qingxiu, WANG Yuesheng & HAN Qingxian
(College of Information Technology, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016,China)
Abstract: The article analyses the problem that how to make use of the interactive function effectively to study the webbased courses in distance teaching, in order to enhance the different learners to learn webbased courses fleetly, and accelerate the steps to form learning society
Key words:webbased courses; interactivity ; learning resources; learning society