刘雪飞 骆 徽
(合肥工业大学 人文经济学院,安徽合肥 230009)
【关键词】隐性知识; 缄默知识; 显性知识; 内隐学习
【中图分类号】G40 【文献标识码】A
【文章编号】1007-2179(2004)05-0029-03 |
Revolution of knowledge and learning
under the Sight of Implicit Knowledge Theory
LIU Xuefei & LUO Hui
(College of Humanism and Economics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 ,China)
Abstract: This article discusses the new scan of knowledge,learning theory, practice and their revolution caused by the implicit knowledge theory. The purpose is to supply a new view for current theory and practice of knowledge and learning,promotes the study of implicit knowledge to walk forward from theory to practice.
Keyword: implicit knowledge; tacit knowledge; explicit knowledge; implicit learning