

编译  盛群力  褚献华


(浙江大学 教育学院,浙江杭州 310028)



【关键词】21世纪素养 ; 能力 ; 教育目标

【中图分类号】G511    【文献标识码】A



21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age


Adapted and Translated by SHENG Qunli & CHU Xianhua

(College of Education , Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028,China)


Abstract: In the early 1900s, a person who had acquired simple reading, writing and calculating skills was considered literate. However, what does “literacy” mean in the digital age? The Report of 21st Century Skills puts forward a new concept of literacy that includes the four major types of skills: Digitalage Literacy, Inventive Thinking, Effective Communication and High Productivity. With 22 subskills in all, the report outlines for us a new picture of the 21st Century Literacy and educational goals in the knowledgebased, global society.

Key words: 21st century literacy; competence; educational objectives
