

赵  蔚  姜  强


(东北师范大学 传媒科学院,吉林长春 130117)



【关键词】电子学档; 网络学习; 学习评价

【中图分类号】G434  【文献标识码】A




Design and Development of Learning EvaluationSystem Based on Elearning Portfolio


ZHAO Wei & JIANG Qiang


(School of Communication Science, Northeast Normal University, ChangChun Jilin 130117, China)


Abstract: E-learning Portfolio is a kind of strong tool of realizing learning evaluation which makes students complete selfevaluation,selfreflective thinking and selfmanagement in the webbased learning.This paper analyzes the necessity of elearning portfolio, its connotation and expounds the ideas on its design. The evaluation system suitable for webbased learning has been designed and developed,in which the evaluation system of online discussion based on Chatroom and Bulletin Board has been explored.

Key words: E-learning portfolio; webbased learning; learning evaluation

