


本刊记者  希建华   实习生  张秀梅


【编者按】尤金·鲁宾(Eugene Rubin)博士,现任美国马里兰大学大学学院(University of Maryland University College,UMUC)管理和技术研究生院远程教育硕士教学计划主任。此前,他曾经在加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(Athabasca University)担任研究生导师长达十二年之久。鲁宾博士在远程教育和培训、教育技术、教学设计和课程开发与实施等方面拥有宽厚的知识和经验。他负责主持的在线远程教育硕士学位教学计划已经赢得了多项荣誉奖励,其中包括2003年度远程教育实践界优秀教学计划UCEA奖(UCEA Award for Program of Excellence within the Distance Education Community of Practice)和2003年度斯隆-C(Sloan-C)最优异的在线教学项目奖(Sloan-C Most Outstanding Online Teaching & Learning Program)。马里兰大学大学学院也因此在2004年2月召开的国际开放与远程教育协会(ICDE)第21届世界大会上获得了成就突出机构奖(ICDE Prize of Excellence for Institutions)。

【关键词】教育技术; 远程教育; 组织形式; 法规政策; 学术学科; 学位计划

【中图分类号】G728    【文献标识码】A




To be the Open University for the Unites States: UMUC’s New Mission


An Interview with Dr. Eugene Rubin


Journalist XI Jianhua & ZHANG Xiumei

Editorial: Dr. Rubin is the Chair of Master Program of Distance Education at Graduate School of Management and Technology, University of Maryland University College. He had formally been in the Graduate Faculty at Athabasca University in Canada for twelve years. He has a broad background in distance education and training, educational technology, instructional design, and course development and delivery. The online MDE program chaired by him has won several honorary awards, including 2003 UCEA award for Program of Excellence within the Distance Education Community of Practice and 2003 SloanC Most Outstanding Online Teaching & Learning Program. And UMUC has also won the ICDE Prize of Excellence for Institutions at ICDE 21st world conference in February, 2004.

Key words: education technology; distance education; laws and policy; academic discipline; degree program


