


黄  佩


(北京大学 新闻与传播学院,北京 100871)


【摘要】网络一词风行于目前社会,既有形容新社会形态的“网络社会(Network Society)”,也有形容基于互联网而架构的计算机“网络社会(Cyber Society)”,还有形容公司机构之间的组织合作方式的“网络”以及社会学中早已存在的关于社会结构的“社会网络”理论。然而,涉及网络技术对现实社会关系影响的论述却还是少数,本文将从社会结构、组织方式、人际关系三方面梳理关于“网络”的概念,尝试找出各种“网络”话语中的共同点,最后结合当前互联网的发展描述“网络”为人们带来的变化及新传播技术在全球传播时代对社会的影响。

【关键词】网络; 互联网; 人际关联 






An Introspective Look at Society through the “Internet”

from the angle of societal structure, organizational formations and interpersonal relations




(School of Journalism and Communication,Peking University, Beijing 100871,China)


Abstract: There is a persuasive use of the word “network” in current Chinese academic journals and popular press, either as a metaphor to describe a new social structure “the network society”, a concrete description of a world built on computer “cyber society”, or refer to the networking among corporations and existing theories in social network studies. But how new media technologies including Internet and mobile phones influence social relations in real life hasn’t been attracted much attention. This article tries to find out the common themes about network through reviewing concepts mentioned in related issues in fields of social structure, organizational management and interpersonal relations. By taking the perspective of communication and society, it analyzes how new media change social relations and how the concept of network mean to society under a time of global communication.

Key Words: network;Internet; personal relationships

