余胜泉 李世亮 谢晓林
(北京师范大学 教育技术学院,北京 100875)
【关键词】在线测试; 成绩分析; 在线教学评价; 数据挖掘
The Design of Online Testing Data Analyzing and Mining System
YU Shengquan, LI Shiliang & XIE Xiaolin
(College of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing100875, China)
Abstract: This paper explored the design and development of an online testing data analyzing and mining system. The system built on CTT(Classical Testing Theory), composed by eight modules including data interface, data preprocessing, data mining etc. The system can find useful information in instructing and learning process though analyze online testing grades scientifically, then provide methods and strategies for teacher improve instructing. Meantime, the system can built the knowledge map for student, it can support adaptive learning in future.
Keywords: online testing; grade analyzing; online instruction evaluating; data mining