冯秀琪 赵可云
(河北大学 现代教育技术研究所, 河北保定 071002)
【关键词】首要教学原理; 网络课程; 评价
Merill’s First Principles and the Evaluation of Webbased Course
FENG Xiuqi &ZHAO Keyun
(Research Institue of Education Technology,Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)
Abstract: It has made us think carefully about the quality of web-based course because of its widely use in our education and instrution. How to evaluate it to keep its quality has been an important problem. In this article, depended on Merill's the First Principles, we formulate our evaluation system. And also we expound its value in practice.
Key words: the first principles ; web-based course ; evaluation