

赵国庆  杨南应  贾振洋  范  典  黄荣怀


(北京师范大学 知识科学与工程研究所,北京 100875)



【关键词】概念图; 知识可视化; 布局算法; 有向图布局; Sugiyama层次布局





Research on Algorithm for Drawing Concept Maps


ZHAO Guoqing, YANG Nanying, JIA Zhenyang, FAN Dian & HUANG Ronghuai 


(Institute of Knowledge Science and Engineering, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875)


Abstract: Concept maps are effective tools for knowledge visualization, and their layouts have a significant effect on their power of information expression. Based on the Sugiyama Hierarchical Layout Algorithm and the special needs of concept mapping tools, this paper presents an algorithm for drawing concept maps. Firstly, we simplify nodes of concepts and linking words into common ones, and then use the first step of Sugiyama Layout Algorithm to assign layers. Secondly, we adjust these layers through specific treating on nodes of linking words. At last, Crossing Reduction and Coordinate Assignment are applied, which are second and third phrases of Sugiyama Layout Algorithm. In this way, the coordinates of all nodes, including nodes of concepts, nodes of linking words and model nodes, are generated, and the final layout of concept map is available. The algorithm has been implemented and applied to developing a new concept mapping tool by KSEI (abbr. of Institute of Knowledge Science and Engineering) at Beijing Normal University. 

Key words:concept Map; knowledge visualization; layout algorithm; layout of directed graph; sugiyama hierarchical layout


