




(北京大学 医学网络教育学院,北京 100083)



【关键词】远程教育; 医学; 教育成本; 分析





An Empirical Analysis on the Cost Effectiveness Based 

on the Experience in SCLME of PKU


GAO Shuping


(School of Distance Learning for Medical Education, Peking University,Beijing 100083,China)


Abstract: This paper provides a model of cost analysis on medical distance education based on the cost theory and characteristic of the distance education. According as the model, the author analyzes empirically the framework of the education cost and the development trend of SCLME (School of Distance Learning for Medical Education) of PKU. The research shows that medical distance education represents economies of scale and positive externalities. Increasing the scale of the enrollment, the advantage of cost effectiveness becomes obvious on medical distance education.

Key words: distance education, medical, education cost, analysis

