



(香港教育学院 院校协作与课堂研究中心,中国香港)



【关键词】课堂学习研究;课程改革; 教育改革; 变易学习理论; 校本课程发展; 教师发展; 学校改革







The Impact of Learning Study on Hong Kong Education


LO Munling


Center for Learning Study and School Partnership, the Hong Kong Institute of Education,

Hong KongChina


Abstract: All over the world, the education sector is hit by wave after wave of education and curriculum reforms. Hong Kong is of no exception. Many educational research findings indicate that the most effective reforms are those that are directly related to student learning. What really matters in these reforms is how teachers deal with the content. Hong Kong Learning Study Projects are significant efforts to address this issue by focusing on the object of learning, and engaging the collaborative efforts of teachers and researchers, through cycles of action research to find ways to enable each student to learn better. It employs a conceptual framework that is based on the theory of Variation. Over the past six years in which Learning Study has been developed, over 100 schools have been engaged in over 130 Learning Studies. These action research projects show that not only can Learning Study help to improve student learning, it has also significant impact on teachers’ professional development, schoolbased curriculum development and school renewal. This paper describes the development of Learning Study in Hong Kong, and analyses its impact and discusses the challenges facing the further development of Learning Study in Hong Kong.

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