许永兴 袁科萍 樊庆红 成雄翔
(上海电视大学 信息与工程系,上海 200092)
【摘要】本文介绍了“计算机绘图”课程的远程考试及自动阅卷的总体设计思想和技术实现的途径。远程考试采用中央服务器和考点服务器两级管理,分别用宽带网及局域网来沟通(工作平台采用.net,考题及答案存放在SQL Server的数据库中,客户端应用程序用C#编写),考试系统数据传输高效而流畅。基于对AutoCAD对象模型分析和特定算法建立,采用ActiveX自动化技术实现对图形文件自动阅卷,其结果准确而高效。整个软件经测试后证明达到了预定的设计要求。
【关键词】计算机绘图;远程考试; 自动阅卷; .net; ActiveX
Design of Computer Examination and
Computer Aided Grading System
XU Yongxing,YUAN Keping,FAN Cinghong & CHENG Xiongxiang
(Department of Information Engineering, Shanghai TV University,Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: The design scheme and technical details for Distance Examination and Computer Aided Grading System for Computer Aided Drawing are presented in this paper. The distance examination is managed by a central server and examination site servers, being connected by internet and local networks. The questions and answers are stored in data banks of SQL Server, and the program in the client is encoded by C# Based on analysis of AutoCAD object model and establishment of specific algorithm, the ActiveX automation is used to realize the grading for drawing file. The grading results are accurate and efficient. The software is shown to reach design requirements after testing.
Key words:computer aided drawing;distance examination;