

王爱华  汪琼


(北京大学 教育学院,北京 100871)



【关键词】教育资源管理系统;互操作; 教育资源管理系统互操作框架(ERMSIF); 元数据采集;元数据共享








Education Resource Management Systems Interoperability

Framework Based on Metadata Harvesting


WANG Aihua & WANG Qiong


(Graduate School of Education, Peking University, Beijing  100871,China)


Abstract: It is a prerequisite for sharing and exchanging of education resources to adopt Education Resource Management System (ERMS) Interoperability standards and implement pointpoint exchange between ERMSs. The paper gives a brief survey of the related efforts that have done on research of ERMS interoperability. Then, it puts forward the framework for ERMS interoperability,which is based on metadata harvesting. At the same time, the framework supports pulling and pushing method to gather metadata. In this framework, the component ERMSs is independent and can exchange metadata through metadata harvesting protocol. It is easy to implement the framework. The most important characteristic of this framework is that component ERMSs can choose to focus their efforts on developing resources or on providing services according to their advantages. 

Key words: Education Resource Management System (ERMS);  interoperability; ERMS Interoperability Framework (ERMSIF); metadata harvesting; metadata sharing
