

钟志贤  张琦


(江西师范大学 课程与教学研究所,江西南昌 330027)



【关键词】资源;工具; 评价; 设计








The Design of Resources, Tools and Evaluation

in Learning Environment


ZHONG Zhixian & ZHANG Qi


(Institute of Curriculum and Instruction,Jiangxi Normal University,

Nanchang 330027,China)


Abstract: Based on theoretical and practical perspectives of learning environments(LEs), this paper discusses the design and application of resources, tools and evaluation in LEs. In the design of LEs, resource is one of the indispensable conditions to support taskbased learning or problembased research, and also one of the most important components to consider. The tools in learning environment refer to learning tools, which is a series of media facilitating learners to seek, access and process information, to communicate and collaborate, to construct knowledge, and   to organize and represent understanding with multimethods and evaluate learning effects. In learning environments , the role of  information technology as learning tools is stressed. In learning environments, ways of evaluation are different from tradi
