



(北京师范大学1、远程教育研究所;2、知识科学与工程研究所,北京 100875)



【关键词】学习支持;知识工程; 交互; 智能








New Trends of Distance Learning Support and Knowledge Engineering


LI Shuang1 &  HUANG Ronghuai2


(1. Research Institute of Distance Education,

Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;

2. Research Institute of Knowledge  Science and Engineering,

Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract: The use of computer networks in distance education raises opportunities of instructional interaction in distance learning, and interaction is becoming a more and more important element of distance learning. Such change challenges the current status of learning support research and practice based on supporting independent learning. There is a requirement for a kind of distance learning support supporting interaction, collaboration and community characterized by interactivity and intelligence. Knowledge Engineering is a discipline derived from expert system research and focused on human intelligence and knowledge mechanism study. This discipline is supposed to provide crucial technology and methods for research on instructional interaction and intelligent tools or systems. Based on this, the paper proposes some new trends of distance learning support and explores the potential of knowledge engineering relevant study domains to support and drive the development of distance learning support in future. The author hopes it can provide a new perspective on the distance learning support study.
