



陈  丽1   张伟远2   郝  丹1


(1.北京师范大学 远程教育研究所,北京 100875;

2.香港公开大学 遥距及成人教育研究中心,香港)



【关键词】远程学习者; 学习风格; 三维模型






The Three-Dimensional Model of 

Chinese Distance Learners’ Learning Style 


CHEN Li1,ZHANG Weiyuan2 & HAO Dan1


(1.Research Institute of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China; 2.Center for Research in Distance & Adult Education, The Open University of Hongkong, Hongkong)

Abstract: Measuring the distance learners’ learning style will help the learners to choose suitable learning strategy, and then to improve their distance learning quality. The purpose of this article is to construct a Three-Dimensional Model of Chinese Distance Learners’ Learning Style, which will become the academic base of measuring and distinguishing Chinese distance learners’ learning style. The research is based on Information Processing Theory, Kolb’s Theory of Experiential Learning and Myers Briggs’ Personality Categories Model, and integrates the whole characteristics of learning style. The result of the research forms a ThreeDimensional Model of Chinese distance learners’ learning style, which includes three dimensions: biologic, experiential and mental dimension. The authors hope that the model will wholly cover characteristics of Chinese distance learners’ learning style and support the research on the measurement of Chinese distance learners’ learning style.

Key word: distance learners; learning style; Three-Dimensional Model

