(华东师范大学 课程与教学系, 上海 200062)
【关键词】维果茨基思想; 活动理论; 学习创新
Thinking Learning in School from Activity Theory Perspective
ZHENG Tainian
(Department of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,China)
Abstract: The paper summarizes development of activity theory and analyzes how it inherits and develops Vygotsky thought. Then, from activity theory perspectives, the paper analyzes problems in learning in school and suggests approaches to solve them including: making learning a kind of inquiry activity by turning knowledge to learning task; making learners get meaning of knowledge by guiding learners’ participation and construction in acquiring knowledge; showing concern on our both individuals and community in learning process; and paying attention to the dynamical and unprescribed nature of learning and instructing process.
Key words: Vygotsky thought; activity theory; innovation of learning