

张伟远1  黄锡楠1  陈  丽2


(1.香港公开大学,香港;2.北京师范大学 远程教育研究所,北京 100875)




【关键词】合作办学; 办学形式; 远程教育; 教育政策; 教育管理








Analysis of Current Status in Educational Collaboration

between Mainland China and Overseas/other Chinese Regions


ZHANG Weiyuan1, WONG Sheknam1 & CHEN Li2


(1.The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 

2.Research Institute of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 1000875, China)


Abstract: Cooperation in providing educational programmes between institutions of overseas/other Chinese regions and local partners has become an important part of the educational enterprises in Mainland China. However, little literature is available on the current status of higher education collaboration. 116 educational collaboration programmes selected from 147 higher education institutions from overseas/other Chinese regions partnering with 25 local universities in Mainland China were selected as samples in this study. Five forms of higher educational collaboration were identified, these being 1) institutes from overseas/other Chinese regions providing programmes and also awarding qualifications; 2) both parties providing programmes and the qualification being awarded by the party from overseas/other Chinese regions; 3) both parties providing programmes and awarding joint qualifications; 4) institutes from overseas/ other Chinese regions providing programmes and awarding qualifications in addition to a certificate awarded by the local partner; and 5) both parties providing programmes and the qualification being awarded by the local partner in addition to a certificate awarded by the institutes from overseas/other Chinese regions. Based on an analysis of different forms of higher educational collaboration, three issues will be discussed in this paper. The first is the challenges which distance higher education institutes from overseas/other Chinese regions are facing in providing a high quality of distance higher education programmes to students in Mainland China. The second issue is the challenges that higher education institutions are facing in a changing educational society and the need for new collaborative forms. Third, the paper will discuss the unique advantages of distance education programmes from Hong Kong, partnering with Mainland institutions, in contributing to the educational market in the Mainland. 

Key words: educational collaboration; forms of educational programme collaboration; distance education; educational policy; educational management


