



陈  丽


(北京师范大学 远程教育研究所,北京100875)



【关键词】现代远程教育; 学习支持,学生支持; 变化; 发展趋势







The Trend of Learner Support in Distance Education




(Research Institute of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China)


Abstract: In the world teaching and learning environment for distance education is undergoing significant change. ICT supply strong supports for distance education. Distance education has already been main part of lifelong education. Comparatively the philosophy, form and content of learning support in modern distance education appear new characteristics. This paper is to summary the new development of student support in new environment. There are four main parts. The first is about changes on term and concept. The second is content framework for student support. The third is the characteristics of learnercentered learning environment. The forth is new role and function of tutor in student support. The paper can be used to share trend of modern distance education with Chinese practitioners. The author hopes that the paper can supply some valuable theory and methodology for enhancing student support by ICT in modern distance education 

Key words: modern distance education; learning support; learner support; change; trend of development

