



(首都师范大学 教育科学学院,北京 100031)


【关键词】远程教育(远程教育学); 远程教学; 远程学习; 面授教学







My Review On the Basic Concepts and Study Goals

for Distance  Education


DING Xingfu 


(School of Education Science, Capital Normal University,Beijing 10031,China)


Abstract: Since the beginning of new millennium, one of words that presented quite frequently in educational literature and mass media is distance education. This fact is related to rapid development of ICTs with multimedia computer and Internet as the core. In China, distance education has achieved a significant progress, a great number of working force have been employed, and the development of practice needs guidance by researches and professional training urgently. Identification of basic concepts and study goals of distance education will lay down the base for further research and training. Is distance education an independent and separated educational form or teachinglearning means and methods? What about webbased instruction for oncampus students in school education and application of quality resources from the East China in use of VSAT system by the schools in the West China, are they distance education? Are networked learning, online learning, digital learning and Elearning all the distance learning? The paper summarized the outcome of the author’s research on this theme in the past years.

Key Words: distance education; distance teaching; distance learning; facetoface teaching and learning


