



江   新  郑兰琴  黄荣怀


(北京师范大学 知识工程研究所,北京 100875)



【关键词】隐性知识; 显性知识; 分类








The Research on Tacit knowledge and Its Category


JIANG Xin; ZHENG Lanqin & HUANG Ronghuai


(Research Institute of Knowledge Engineering, 

Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract: This article began with different views on the concept and category of tacit knowledge of different scholars, then classified tacit knowledge by the “InformationKnowledgeIntelligence” uniform theory of professor Zhong Yixin into tacit knowledge based on body, based on language, based on individual’s matacognition and based on culture. This category method reflects our perspective of individual tacit knowledge. It will be one of the categories of individual tacit knowledge.

Key Words: tacit knowledge; explicit knowledge; category

