



赵国庆  黄荣怀  陆志坚


(北京师范大学 知识工程研究所,北京 100875)



【关键词】知识可视化; 数据可视化; 信息可视化; 知识制品







Theory and Methodology of Knowledge Visualization


ZHAO Guoqing, HUANG Ronghuai & LU Zhijian


(Research Institute of Knowledge Engineering,

 Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China)


Abstract: The paper analyzed the origin of KV (abbr. of Knowledge visualization) and difference between KV from data visualization and information visualization first. Then, It introduced Dual Coding Theory, which might be the theoretical basis of KV, and explored the essence of KV from the perspective of knowledge artifact. After that, talked over the relationship of KV, educational technology, knowledge engineering. Finally, a research framework of knowledge visualization and some available methods were introduced.

Key words: knowledge visualization; data visualization; information visualization; knowledge artifact

