



本刊记者  希建华   实习生   张秀梅


【编者按】夏洛特·古娜瓦德娜博士(Charlotte N. (Lani) Gunawardena),是美国新墨西哥大学教育学院组织学习和教学技术专业远程教育和教学技术方向的教授,其研究兴趣主要有在线社区中知识的社会建构,在线学习的社会文化情境和社会存在理论,远程教育系统的设计、评价和实施,成人学习,以及跨文化交流和培训等。目前她作为世界银行在斯里兰卡的顾问,在巴西、墨西哥、挪威和土耳其等国家做顾问工作。古娜瓦德娜博士还获得了富布莱特法案基金的学者地区研究奖,并于20042005学年在摩洛哥和斯里兰卡从事相关研究工作。

【关键词】远程教育; 社会存在; 跨文化交流







Distance Education and the Crosscultural Communication 

An Interview with Dr. Charlotte N. Gunawardena


XI Jianhua & ZHANG Xiumei

Editorial: Charlotte N. (Lani) Gunawardena is Professor of Distance Education and Instructional Technology in the Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies (OLIT) program in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico. Now her research interests include social construction of knowledge in online thought communities, sociocultural context of online learning and social presence theory, design, implementation, and evaluation of distance education systems, adult learning and crosscultural communication and training. She has worked as a World Bank Consultant in Sri Lanka, and consulted in Brazil, Mexico, Norway, and Turkey. She received a Fulbright scholar regional research award to conduct research in Morocco and Sri Lanka during the 2004-2005 academic year. 

Key words: distance education; social presence theory; crosscultural communication

