学习管理系统中SCORM 2004



李  乾1  唐怀成1  陈伯栋2  杨声钢1  黄荣怀1


(1. 北京师范大学  知识科学与工程研究中心,北京 100875; 2. 北京大学教育学院,北京 100871)









Development and Utilization of a LMS SCORM 2004 Engine


LI Qian1, TANG Huaicheng1, CHEN Bodong2, YANG Shenggang1 & HUANG Ronghuai1


(1.Center for Knowledge Science &〖KG*2〗Engineering Research, 

2.Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract: SCORM( Sharable Content Object Reference Learning) has become the dominant standard of webbased course and learning management system. It's complicated to develop a SCORMcompliant LMS or make an existed LMS SCORMcompliant. In order to avoid redevelopment of similar functions, this paper puts forward and carries out a SCORM plugin solution. After integrated with this plugin,an LMS that has not abided by SCORM can conform to SCORM specification.

Key wordsSCORM; Engine; Plugin; LMS

