Attitude, Perception and Use of E-Learning at Open University Malaysia*


Latifah Abdol Latif  Ramli Bahroom  Mansor Fadzil & Noor Azina Ismail


(Open University Malaysia , Malaysia)


AbstractTo ensure the success of the e-learning initiatives, OUM has developed its own e-learning management system, known as myLMS. Since its introduction, many modifications and improvements have been introduced to increase its effectiveness. It is now timely that OUM take stock of its students' attitudes towards e-learning. Thus, a survey was conducted on about 1,000 students at one of OUM's own learning centres, that is, the Kelantan Regional Centre1. The study indicated that generally the teacher cohort had a somewhat neutral attitude towards e-learning. The use of e-learning was more specifically aimed at achieving short term goals of obtaining good coursework and examination grades by capitalizing on the use of the Discussion Board and Courseware. A closer examination reveals that the females prefer the Discussion Board while the males prefer the Courseware. Learners in the Engineering and English programmes had more positive attitudes towards elearning compared to learners in the Mathematics and Science programmes. Learners with CGPA>3.0 who are categorized as high achievers are more positive towards e-learning as compared to the low achievers (CGPA<3.0). Age difference, learners' income per month, learners' Internet and e-learning habits were also found to be predictors of attitude towards e-learning.

Key words: open university; E-learning; survey

【CLC nurnbers】G465

Document code】A

【Article ID】1007-2179(2006)06-0062-07

*The survey was administered by Assoc. Prof. Dato' Dr Nik Najib Nik Abd Rahman, Director, Kelantan OUM Regional Centre, Malaysia.
