

孙万银  杨改学


(西北师范大学 教育技术与传播学院,甘肃兰州 730070)










The Design and Development of Network Course


SUN Wanyin & YANG Gaixue


(School of Educational Technology and Communication, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070,China)


Abstract: With the rapid development of modern distance education, online course is becoming more and more popular. Combing teaching design, system design and supporting environment design for teaching in the net-based environment, educational researchers have already done some extensive and profound research on the developing, design and application of online course, and they have also made great achievement both in theoretical research and in practical application. Still, we found problems in the process of exploitation, design and application of online course. This essay will focus on the basic ideas on the base of the elementary theory of course, in order to find guidance to design and developing of online course.

Key wordsdistance education;online education;online course;teaching designing



