




(南京大学,江苏南京 210029)










Exploration of Greatpower Road of Distance Education in China

——Strategic Thought of the Development of Distance Education


SANG Xinmin


(Nanjing University, Nanjing 210029, China)


Abstract: China has qualities of distance education institutions and distance students, but she is not a greatpower country in distance education. Except the scale, China has little advantages in the world area of distance education. It is not only the dream of each Chinese, but also the objective of Chinese distance staff to become a greatpower country in distance education. Although the paper written by Prof. SANG Xinmin is one of the keynote speech of the conference at Shanghai TV University, it is the strategic thought of the development of distance education in China, which is worth thinking by policymakers, leaders and practicers.

Key wordsdistance learner; learning platform; resource database; digital reconstruction; distance teacher; distance supervisor


