

周跃良1  张  燕2  杨雪萍2


(1.浙江师范大学 教育学院,浙江 321004; 2.北京师范大学 知识科学与工程研究所,北京100875)



【关键词】教育技术; 实证研究; 聚类分析










A Comparative Study: Empirical Research in Educational Technology


ZHOU Yueliang1, ZHANG Yan2 & YANG Xueping2


(1. School of Education, Zhejiang Normal University,Zhejiang 321004,China; 

2. Institute of Knowledge Science and Engineering,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)

Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the characteristics of empirical research in educational technology at home and abroad. This research reviewed four academic journals’ articles between the year of 2000 and 2004, using metaanalysis method and DocCluster tool. The results shows that ICT and its applications are the main focus of educational technology, great differences in research method and mainstream betweem China and foreign countries, and research depth and criterion should be developed in China.

Key words: educational technology; empirical research; cluster analysis


