Ubiquitous Learning Environment as a Solution to Education Problem 


ZHAO Hailan1 JungHwan Park2


(1. East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 China; 2. Korea National University of Cheju,Korea)


AbstractUbiquitous learning means the intelligent learning environment that enables people to learn using any terminal at any place and at any time no matter what the contents may be. This is different from the existing method of learning the information through the internet or studying at specific place, such as school or library, and so on. People do not need to go to specific place at specific time to access the information that they want, but the learning information finds its way to people, which is the biggest difference from the existing method. 

Ubiquitous learning aims to solve current problems of education in more creative and learneroriented way by creating an education environment where learners can learn with any terminal anytime and anywhere without regard to contents. The presentation this time would help promote the understanding of the Ubiquitous and explore the ubiquitous education environment that is capable of solving overall problems of education. In addition, it will propose a direction of ubiquitous learning scenario and the change in the educational environment. 

Key words: Ubiquitous; Ubiquitous Learning; u-Learning 

【CLC nurnbers】G724

【Document code】A

【Article ID】1007-2179(2006)04-0061-06


The Authors: ZHAO Hailan, Department of Education Information Technology of East China Nomal University, China; Academic Interest : Edutainment, E-Learning for K-12, Design and Development Construction learning Environment; Jung HwanPark, Department of Korea National University of Cheju, Korea; Academic Interest :Ubiquitous Learning, Statistics, Educational Technology. 
