


刘邦祥1 D. 麦康奈尔2 V.拉利3 S.班克3

(1.北京师范大学,北京 100096; 2. 兰卡斯特大学,英国; 3. 谢菲尔德大学,英国)



【关键词】跨文化协作; 在线学习教育学; 现象解释学研究; 经验学习



【作者简介】刘邦祥,中英在线学习合作项目中方经理,德国慕尼黑大学博士研究生,北京师范大学教育技术学院;D. 麦康奈尔,英国兰卡斯特大学教授,教育技术研究中心主任,中英在线学习合作项目英方负责人;V. 拉利,英国谢菲尔德大学高级讲师,中英在线学习合作项目成员;S. 班克,英国谢菲尔德大学高级讲师,中英在线学习合作项目成员。





Intercultural Development of eLearning Pedagogy

——Comparative Research into Reflection on Joint Creation of 

A pedagogical Course for eLearning in SinoUK Context


LIU Bangxiang1 D. McConnell  2 V. Lally 3S. Banks3


(1.Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100096,China; 2.Lancaster University,UK; 

3.University of Sheffield, U.K)


Abstract: Intercultural Collaboration is conducive to explore the understanding of elearning pedagogy How to achieve effective intercultural collaboration and how elearning is perceived and practised in China and UK are the focuses of this research To analyse their reflections on participating in the collaborative development of a pedagogical course for elearning, the authors adopted phenomenographical approaches, which perceive the project collaboration as an experiential learning process taking place spirally, where the understanding of eLearning pedagogy is jointly coconstructed At the end, some tentative and practical conclusions have been drawn to be supportive for further and relative endeavours 

Key words intercultural collaboration, elearning pedagogy, phenomenographical research, experiential learning

