

方  舟


(浙江广播电视大学,浙江杭州 310012)



【关键词】现代远程教育; 教学模式; 相关性因素









On some Relevant Elements of Distance Education Model


FANG Zhou 


(Zhejiang Radio and TV University,Hangzhou 310012,China)


Abstract: Modern distance education instruction model based on web has been applied for several years, but it doesn't grow well as it should be for the environment relevancy such as education system, learning culture, education value, learners quality, education technology support, which are direct and restrict the instruction model. We should pay more attention to the relevant elements and jump out the instruction model itself. To construct better environment we should inspire learner's intrinsic motivation, cultivate their autonomous learning custom, provide useful learning methods.

Key wordsdistance education; instruction model; relevant elements

