

龚志武  丁  新


(华南师范大学 现代远程教育研究所,广东广州 510631)



【关键词】远程教育院校; 际代研究; 远程开放大学; 网络教育学院









Generation Research on the Development of Distance Education Institutions


GONG Zhiwu & DING Xin

(Distance Education Institute South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China)


Abstract: Distance education institutions have experienced several times of transformations and developments from the very beginning. Tracing the historical evolvement of distance education institutions as a cut-in point, the author generalizes four stages of distance education institutions, which are the stage of edge, stage of growth, stage of prosperity and stage of transformation. Generation research helps to deduce the sustainable development trend in order to fulfill the perfect status of these institutions.

Key words: distance education institutions; generation research; distance and open universities; online education college


