

约翰·亚当斯 艾伦·斯格瑞2


(1.内布拉斯加大学 医学中心; 2.内布拉斯加大学 高等教育和中学后教育研究中心)



【关键词】远程教育战略; 智力模型; 战略选择









Distance Education Strategy:  Mental Models and Strategic Choices


John CAdams1 Alan TSeagren2

(1.University of Nebraska Medical Center   2. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)


Abstract: What issues do distance education (DE) leaders believe will influence the future of DE? What are their colleges’ DE strategies? This qualitative study compares DE strategic thinking and strategic choices at three community colleges. Two propositions are investigated: (1) each college’s DE leaders use common strategic mental models (ways of thinking about key environmental issues and relationships), and (2) DE leaders from the three colleges employ common industry-level strategic mental models. The major findings are: (1) strategic beliefs are more varied than expected; (2) strategic choices address common DE issues but are tailored to local contexts; and (3) leaders’ beliefs and college strategic choices are aligned.

Key words: distance education (DE); strategy; mental models; strategic choices


