Virtual Learning Community as New Approach
of Teacher Professional Development
——Reflective Research into an eLearning Program of Intercultural Collaboration
between China and UK
LIU Bangxiang
(School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China)
Abstract: Among the current reform measures undertaken in Chinese K-12 education, to adopt New Curricula and to improve ICT application in teaching are both decisive, however, the lack of qualified trainers is handicapping the professional development of over 10 millions in-service teachers. One of eChina~UK projects in collaboration between universities from both sides is designed to develop virtual learning community (VLC) among inservice teachers and explore from pedagogic perspective how to conduct VLC. In accordance with reflective learning and collaborative learning, three online learning modules have been jointly created by Chinese and UK educational specialists, and one unit from each module has been piloted by a group of senior teachers. Through analyzing the processes of course design and pilot, supported by quantitative and qualitative research into the experiences of pilot participants, the paper identifies some core factors influencing the quality of VLC and suggests that more attention should be given to the interactive learning process within VLC rather than to create well-structured learning materials before hand. It has also analyzed VLC as a promising approach to support professional development of in-service teachers from the perspective of continuous improvement process. There is much to be researched into the approach of VLC.
Key words: reflective and collaborative learning; virtual learning community; teacher professional development; intercultural collaboration
【CLC nurnbers】G451
【Document code】A
【Article ID】1007-2179(2006)03-0058-08 |