



(华南师范大学 教育信息技术学院,广东广州 510631)




【关键词】远程教育; 服务







The Particularity of Distance Education Service


WU Lizhi


(College of Educational Information Technology, 

South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)


Abstract: Distance education is part of the service industry, which is unfortunately ignored. This article compares distance education with the service industry and concludes that it can be classified as the service industry. The process of distance education is intangible, different and active; production and consumption are connected; and learners participate in the production process. This paper also analyzes the particularity of distance education service and creates a ProductionConsumption Model for it. In the end, the author suggests that we should set up a view of distance learning service, which is important for our research and practice.

Key words: distance education; service

