


蔡建中    丁  新


(华南师范大学 现代远程教育研究所,广东广州510631)



【关键词】美国国家技术大学; 三次转折; 远程教育; 启示








The Three Turns of National Technological University in USA 

and Its Implications to Distance Education in China


CAI Jianzhong & DING Xin


(South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)


Abstract: National Technological University (NTU) in USA is a wellknown virtual university in the world. It has been over 20 years for NTU to collaborate with some famous universities of Engineering in USA and offer programmes on Master of Engineering through distance mode. However, the NTU underwent three important turns in the development. The first one was from nonprofitmade university to a company with profitmade through offered nondegree award distance education programme. The second turn was to be merged by a stronger distance education company and transferred to be an attached online university. The three turn was to be a special college of another distance education university. This paper analyzed the reasons of three turns and discussed its implications to distance education in China. 

Key words: National Technological University (NTU); three turns; distance education; implications

